Wheelchair Skills

Getting around as a wheelchair user can be frightening. How will I get to the shops, play with my kids or just carry a cup of tea to the living room? Our wheelchair skills trainers have been there. They understand the challenges of life with spinal cord injury and they’ll get you back to living life to the full.

From pushing technique, getting over obstacles and up kerbs, to back wheel balancing and transfers, our manual or power chair sessions are tailored to help you live the life you want.

Stage 1: Wheelchair skills in hospitals

Held in spinal centres or general hospitals around the UK for any ability, age or injury level, our accredited skills trainers will use their years of experience as wheelchair users to help you establish everyday skills.

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Stage 2: Wheelchair skills extra

Held in ‘real-world’ locations around the UK you’ll be able to practise and refine your skills and build your confidence when out and about.

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Stage 3: Wheelchair skills on courses

Perfect your skills on one of our residential courses. Dedicated training sessions allow our qualified skills trainers to teach the full-range of techniques alongside our varied course programs.

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Back Up Wheelchair Skills app

Practice vital wheelchair skills wherever you are with our wheelchair skills app.

The app features lessons for both power and manual chair users, with a different set of videos for each.

Relevant for people of all ages and injury levels,  our wheelchair skills videos are presented by a diverse team of volunteers.

Learn more about out Wheelchair Skills App or download now on Android and iOS.

Download for iPhone Download for Android

Irwin Mitchell sponsors wheelchair skills

Wheelchair skills training in Scotland is sponsored by Digby Brown and Irwin Mitchell.


Register for our services online or call the team on 020 8875 1805.

Learn more about Back Up services

Read our Services brochure