The Back Up Lounge
The Back Up Lounge is an online forum open every other Wednesday from 6 pm – 7 pm to everyone aged over 18 (see below for our youth lounges) affected by spinal cord injury, where no conversation topic is off-limits.
At Back Up we deliver our services around what you want. The Back Up Lounge is no different. You are in the driving seat. So whether you are looking for tips on adaptable exercise, bladder and bowel management or just fancy a chat, the choice is yours.
Choose from the following lounges (you will have the option to move if needed)
- Family Lounge– Come and chat with our family support team and meet other family members of someone with a spinal cord injury.
- Walker’s Lounge – a space for people who can walk with a spinal cord injury, where you can discuss the topics that matter to you.
- Catch-Up Corner – simply a place to chat about whatever you want with people in a similar situation.
- Interests and Hobbies – have you been getting arty, reading any good books, or been busy in the garden? Come tell us what you’ve been up to.
- Guidance for live-in care – Angela from Eximius will be providing a presentation on everything to do with live-in care. To find out how it all works come along and ask some questions!
Follow this link to register on Zoom.
Want to learn more about the services we offer? Please click here to read our most up to date services brochure.
Youth Break Out Lounges
We also offer a Back Up Lounge only for children and young people with a spinal cord injury. If you’re a child or young person with a spinal cord injury, learn about these lounges here.