Writing or updating your will

Writing or updating your will may feel like a daunting task. We’re here to help, and we’ve made it easy by establishing links with these organisations.

Irwin Mitchell Solicitors

Back Up have teamed up with award winning national law firm, Irwin Mitchell, to help you make your will.

Irwin Mitchell have a wealth of experience and are able to advise and guide you in the will writing process so that the will is entirely tailored to your needs. They offer a 15% discount off will services to Back Up supporters and also make a donation to Back Up for every will they write through this service.

There’s no need to take time out to go and visit a solicitor’s office as you can give initial instructions online by clicking here.

Irwin Mitchell will then get in touch with you directly to gather any more information they may need.

The Goodwill Partnership

The Goodwill Partnership visit you at your home to take your will instructions at a time convenient to you – daytime, evenings or weekends. They charge a low fixed price (£108 + VAT) however detailed your will, with no hidden costs or upsell of any other products. To arrange an appointment, call 0844 669 6148 or visit their website.

Make A Will Online

We have partnered with www.makeawillonline.co.uk to offer a free online will-writing service to Back Up supporters. Make A Will Online allows you to make a will in minutes at your convenience. All wills are checked by their expert team and, once witnessed, you will be legally covered and can relax in the knowledge that your estate is safe.

Finding a solicitor

Alternatively, you can choose from the solicitors available in your area:

Wording to add to your will

Leaving a gift to Back Up is more straightforward than you might expect. If you do decide to leave a gift to help people affected by spinal cord injury in your will, there are 2 main types of gift you might choose – a share of your estate (residuary gift) or a set sum (pecuniary gift).

We have some suggested wording to add to your will depending on which one you choose. You can take this along to an appointment with your chosen solicitor or legal professional.

Residuary gift (share of your estate):
“I leave………per cent of the residue of my real and personal estate to The Back Up Trust, 4 Knightley Walk, London, SW18 1GZ, registered charity numbers: 1072216 and SC040577.”

Pecuniary gift (set sum):
“I leave the sum of ………..(in words) pounds £……. (in figures) to The Back Up Trust, 4 Knightley Walk, London, SW18 1GZ, registered charity numbers: 1072216 and SC040577.”

Enquire about gifts in wills


If you’d like to talk to us on the phone or via email, please contact our Supporter Care Assistant, Ann, by email or call her on 020 8078 2941.