Becky’s story
We spoke to Becky Hill, our former Chair of Trustees, about why she’s leaving us a gift in her will. Becky’s story with Back Up goes all the way back to attending one of our ski courses in the ’90s.
You and I have something in common. We are both connected to Back Up, a wonderful charity which for over 30 years has been supporting people affected by spinal cord injury to get the most out of life.
I was very active before my injury. I was a competitive swimmer and I sustained my injury in a car accident on the way to training.
My introduction to Back Up was through a skiing course. That course meant the world to me. Being able to take part again in physical activity, meeting others like me and gaining confidence and independence – as well as rediscovering my competitive side – was life-changing.
I wanted to give something back to Back Up after I felt established in my career. I started volunteering with them to help support spinal cord injured people to get back into work.

Becky Hill and her friends and family taking on The Snowdon Push
You will have your own story about Back Up. The charity thrives on the community of people that uses its services, the volunteers who help Back Up reach more people, and the fundraisers and the donors that keep Back Up going.
This year, I have decided to do something different. It’s something that will not take me very much time and will not set me back financially either – but it will help Back Up be here for future generations. I have decided to write a will and include a gift to Back Up.
Every day, five people in the UK find out that they have a spinal cord injury. I want to do my bit to ensure that Back Up will be there for people in the future – just as they were there for me and my family after I sustained my injury.
Back Up relies completely on voluntary income, so giving a gift through a will is a wonderful way of supporting their work.
If you leave a gift in your will, you will be helping the next generation of people who will hear that they have a spinal cord injury. Your legacy will help them get support through Back Up in the future.
Enquire about gifts in willsContact
If you’d like to talk to us on the phone or via email, please contact our Fundraising Manager, Janet, by email or call her on 020 8875 6760 to talk things through.