Read what Back Up means to people and why they have pledged to leave a gift in their will to keep supporting people with spinal cord injury in the future.
Yasmin’s story
"Leaving a legacy to Back Up in my will was a no brainer for me. I wanted somebody else to also benefit from the amazing services that I received from Back Up."
Rebecca’s story
"I was able to size the donation greater than I could afford now, so it gives an opportunity to donate a larger sum, than I could give today."
Sean’s story
"It was dead easy (sorry!) to sort the wills out.
Meeting Back Up was a game-changer for me – it opened my eyes to what was possible - and I haven’t looked back. "
Stuart’s Legacy Road Trip
Stuart loved outdoor sports. He rediscovered activities such as skiing and orienteering with Back Up. After he left gifts to 13 charities in his will, his nephew Mathew embarked on a legacy road trip to visit the charities which meant so much to Stuart.
Judy’s story
"I can honestly say that Back Up is a life changer for all. I feel very proud to be part of the difference that Back Up can make renewing confidence & skills."
Valerie Singleton’s story
"As a patron of Back Up, I’ve seen first-hand the amazing work they do to help people affected by spinal cord injury. Leaving a gift to Back Up in my will was so straightforward and it feels great to know that it will have a life-changing impact."
K’s story
"I anticipated the will being complicated and stressful but we literally made the plan and signed the forms over half a cup of tea! Back Up helped me embrace the big wide world in my wonky way. "
Becky’s story
"I want to do my bit to ensure that Back Up will be there for people in the future, just as they were there for me and my family after I received my injury."
Amy’s story
"I think leaving a legacy is a way of paying back for all the help and support that Back Up has given me during my life."
If you’d like to talk to us on the phone or via email, please contact our Supporter Care Assistant Ann, by email or call her on 020 8078 2941.
Enquire about gifts in wills