The Push – Yr Wyddfa 2024

 Exciting news! Registrations for The Push 2024 are now officially open.

To participate in the event, please visit the official Push website and complete your registration.


Date: Friday 28 – Sunday 30 June 2024

How to register


Event Registration:

  • Make sure to browse the website for essential information about this event – including wheelchair adaptation guides and the weekend kit list.
  • Click on Register Now, and it will direct you to create an account with StockCrowd to facilitate the ticket purchase process.

Ticket Purchase:

  • Carefully review the available packages and select the ticket(s) that suit your needs.

Team Creation or Joining:

  • After ticket selection, you’ll need to either create a new team or join an existing one.
  • Appoint a team leader who can create the team page, and other members can join to prevent duplicate teams.

 Fundraising Kick-off:

  • Once your team is set up or joined, let the fundraising journey begin!

About The Push

This challenge is an amazing experience that brings together people from all walks of life to work as a team and reach one of the highest points in the British Isles, all whilst raising funds for people affected by spinal cord injury.

Our challenge events are open to anyone who wants to take one on– whether they have a spinal cord injury or not. The Push is suitable for all levels of ability. We encourage applications from anyone who wants to help raise funds for our life-changing services.

We usually have teams of 10 to 16, including one member who uses a wheelchair, you all work together to reach the top of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) and back down again, covering approximately eight miles of steep, mixed surfaced terrain. If you are not a wheelchair user and would prefer to tackle the challenge in a different way, please contact our events team to ensure we can meet and understand your needs and help to complete the challenge.

“Oh my goodness, how do I effectively express my gratitude for the opportunity to share this experience with such wonderful, selfless people. It proved such a huge challenge but each member of the team stepped up and gave it their all. Each time I close my eyes I see that sea of happy, exhausted, supportive and jubilant faces. I’ll always hold onto and treasure that memory”.

Susan Mould, Push 2019 participant


For more information or to register early interest, please email