
Read the latest news stories from Back Up and the world of spinal cord injury.

Sarah living life confidently after spinal cord injury

Sarah’s Story: Living confidently after a spinal cord injury

Read on for Sarah’s story, featured in our 2021 impact report. After ...

Claire’s story: Family fundraising for Back Up

We spoke to Claire about taking on a family fundraising challenge to help raise ...

Back Up Impact Report 2021: Chris’s story

Read on for Chris's story, featured in our 2021 impact report. After attending our Skills ...

Back Up ball image of volunteers who helped out at the event to raise money for those for affected by spinal cord injury

‘Snow much fun’: The Back Up Ball Event 2021

“Best weekend up in Birmingham for the Alpine Ball”“A fantastic evening had by all”“I loved ...

A review of 2021, from Back Up CEO Abigail Lock

Read on for a blog from our CEO Abigail Lock about how Back Up has ...

Hear what people we supported have to say about our mentoring service

We recently gathered together a group of people who benefitted from our mentoring service, ...

Hanna, a young wheelchair user who we helped with spinal cord injury questions

Hanna’s story: Answering questions about spinal cord injury.

Discover how our mentoring service helped Hanna when she had spinal cord injury questions. When Hanna ...

Back Up launches a new animation explaining spinal cord injury to children

We’re thrilled to launch a fun new animation which explains spinal cord injury to children.Back ...

A family with their young son, who is a wheelchair user. Our Education Inclusion Toolkit is there to help children and young people affected by spinal cord injury in education.

Back Up launches new Education Inclusion Toolkit

Back Up, the only UK charity with dedicated services for children and young people affected ...

The Back Up “What Next?” course returns

We’re thrilled to announce that our first fully virtual course, "What Next?", is back ...