
Read the latest news stories from Back Up and the world of spinal cord injury.

Pia’s story: Fatigue, adaptations, and self-care after spinal cord injury

Meet Pia:Studying Economics and Management at King's  Rediscovered her active lifestyle ...

A selfie from Nicky, who is making a difference as a back up volunteer

Nicky’s story: Making a difference as a volunteer

Meet Nicky: Married to David, who has a high level spinal cord injury...

Jenny visiting a Beach using an adapted wheelchair

Jenny’s story: Keeping positive after spinal cord injury

Meet Jenny: Worked at a skin care company for 16 years prior to retiring...

Tina, who back up helped with independence after spinal cord injury, riding a horse on one of our multi activity courses

Tina’s story: Back in the saddle

Meet Tina:  Sustained her spinal cord injury through Cauda Equina syndrome   ...

A wheelchair user by the coast - back up was there to help her get back to work after spinal cord injury

Julie’s story: Getting independent and back to work

Meet Julie: Formerly worked with the police before sustaining her spinal cord ...

Clare’s story: Wellness and spinal cord injury 

Meet Clare:  Originally from America, now based in Wales  Previously worked ...

Joe, a wheelchair user who we supported with our ?Back To Work Careers Fair

Joe’s story: Back to Work Careers Fair

Meet Joe: Sustained a spinal cord injury while working as a riding instructor  ...

George’s story: Discovering what is possible

Meet George:  Built his career as a microbiologist   Retired with his wife ...

Sophie posing for a photo with her husband Kay who sustained a spinal cord injury in lockdown

Sophie’s story: Finding a community during lockdown

Meet Sophie:Loves tennis Co-owns an IT company with her husband Kay Enjoys travelling whenever ...

Alice and Gavin, a couple who learned to navigate their relationship after spinal cord injury

Alice’s story: Talking about relationships and spinal cord injury

At Back Up, we’re very proud to support a diverse community of people affected by ...