
Read inspiring blogs from people with a spinal cord injury and their family members – as well as Back Up volunteers, supporters and staff members. If you would like to write a blog about your experiences, please email our communications team.

Noah, a man with a spinal cord injury who Back Up supported with dating and spinal cord injury

Noah’s story: Dating with a spinal cord injury

Our mentoring team was there to help Noah overcome some of the struggles of ...

Jess’ story: “Now I’m confident I can go anywhere in my wheelchair”

Twenty-seven-year-old Jess lives in London with a housemate. She’s a doctor and teaches clinical ...

Will’s story: Living confidently with a spinal cord injury

Beaming with optimism, 28-year-old Will reflects on his life so far - and ...

Peter and his Family smiling around the dinner table

Peter and family’s story: “Back Up is more than just a charity”

When Peter sustained his spinal cord injury in 2018, when he was just eight years ...

A picture of Maria on a trip to bath, standing with a walking stick beside a model Dalek

Maria’s story: “I think everyone should know about Back Up.”

Maria is 85 years old. Originally from Persia, she was a nursing sister working in ...

Christopher Morgan, Back Up's new chair of trustees, posing for a professional headshot

Christopher Morgan welcomed as new Chair of Trustees

We’re delighted to announce that Christopher Morgan took over as our Chair of Trustees on ...

Sidney benefited from our Mentoring programme, it helped him find the joy in life again

Sidney’s story: My mentor helped me value life again

“Thanks to my Back Up mentor, I’m very passionate about gardening,” says Sidney. ...

Kim, a back up Mentor.

Kim’s Story: Mentoring has given me my identity back

Music lover Kim loves to travel and recently came back from a punk rock music ...

Back Up Front Row 2022

On October 12th 2022 Back Up’s Front row event returned for it’s ninth year. Supported ...

David is wearing a white t shirt and smiling at the camera

David’s story: Getting support to return to work after my spinal cord injury

Thirty-year-old David loves sports and is a big rugby fan.“I love going to the gym ...