Ian’s story – giving something back

I sustained my injury 11 years ago in a cycling accident. I had always enjoyed outdoor pursuits – paragliding, cycling, mountaineering, sailing – so being suddenly paralysed from the T4 vertebrae down was a big shock.

Fortunately, I came across Back Up during my rehab. The charity supported me with wheelchair skills training in hospital, showing me how to navigate curbs and tricky terrain. It wasn’t just the practical skills that helped me. Back Up’s volunteers have years of experience with living well after spinal cord injury – hearing their stories and advice was a crucial part of getting my life back on track.

Since leaving hospital, I’ve made it my mission to give something back to Back Up. Over the years, I’ve used my outdoors hobbies and interests to raise life-changing funds.

My first fundraising challenge for Back Up was a 100 mile push from London to Brighton, following the Thames. It was hard work, but we managed to raise £10,000! Since then, I’ve completed several challenges for Back Up – the most recent being last year.

In 2023, I took on a marathon along the Brighton seafront. I challenged myself to push the entire 26.2 mile route in one day, and completed it in around 12 hours! It was dark by the time I finished, but it was such a memorable moment to cross the finish line, surrounded by cheering friends. It was hard work, but our efforts raised £3,600.

For me, supporting Back Up is equal parts about doing something I love, while also giving something back to an important cause. I just hope I can be the very embodiment of a Back Up success story – helping support the services which helped me so much in the early days.

Learn how Back Up’s services are supporting more people than ever before:

Read our 2023/24 impact report
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