Back Up Champion – Brian Abram
27 March 2020

We are delighted to announce this month’s Back Up champion, Brian Abram. You may already recognise Brian; He’s the author of Grandad Wheels, the children’s book about his exciting adventures with his grandson Charlie. All proceeds of the book are split between Back Up and the Spinal Injuries Association.
In 2013, Brian was involved in a serious bicycle accident which left him with a complete T9 injury. During his time at Pinderfields Spinal Injuries Unit, Brian attended one of our wheelchair skills courses which teaches newly injured individuals to confidently and safely get around in their wheelchair. The course helped Brian greatly, and he knows just how much other people have benefitted from Back Up’s services.
I have seen just how much Back Up has helped others with their practical skills, which in turn builds confidence.
Brian’s grandson, Charlie, was only six months old when he had his accident. He started calling him Grandad Wheels to differentiate him from his other grandad. Worried that Charlie may see him as different to other children’s grandads, Brian wrote short, sillies stories to explain why he used a wheelchair; eventually, these stories become The Adventures of Grandad Wheels!, which was published last November. The books have been a fantastic success so far, thanks to Brian’s tireless promotion consisting of visits to schools and media appearances.
We rely on the support of brilliant fundraisers like Brian to continue the work we do. If you would like to fundraise in the community for Back Up, get in touch with or visit here for inspiration.